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Cellebrite UFED 2023 Ultimate Forensic Software Activated With Keygen FREE

UFED Ultimate

The industry standard. Cellebrite’s complete collection solution examines more types of devices and data to produce meaningful insights quickly.

Gathering Evidence Just Got Easier

Lawfully access the toughest locks to collect evidence with more speed and accuracy than ever before. UFED Ultimate gives you access to the widest range of mobile devices, applications, and public-domain social media platforms to produce meaningful insights quickly.

  • device-encryption

    Break any barrier

    Breakthrough complicated locks and encryption barriers to collect deleted and unknown content.

  • evidence

    Find hidden evidence

    Delve deep to thoroughly review logical file systems and physically extracted data to discover critical evidence.

  • link-a2

    Solve cases faster

    Collect evidence sooner and share actionable intelligence with your team quickly and easily.

UFED Ultimate Makes Gathering Evidence Simple

Combine the collection power of CellebriteUFED with the advanced decoding software of Cellebrite Physical Analyzer to get all the digital data you need.


Access devices with ease

Speed up the time to collection and bypass technical hurdles to access data from the widest range of devices.

Collect more data

Perform logical, filesystem and physical extractions, and use exclusive bootloaders, Advanced ADB, EDL and other methods to get the most data out of the devices.

Virtual Analyzer enables you to view your data as if you were using the owner's device, validate decoded artifacts and recover data from unsupported apps.

Convert encrypted data to actionable intelligence

Reassemble device and application data into readable formats with advanced decoding capabilities: SQLite Wizard, Virtual Analyzer, Python scripting and Hex highlighting. Carve unallocated space to recover hidden or deleted data.

Unify data for a more comprehensive review

Consolidate device data from a variety of sources and formats; get a unified timeline view to determine connections between people, places, and events using search, filter, tag, and maps.


Translate content with Cellebrite Smart Translator

Get on-demand translation support for more than 40 languages. Perform fast analysis of non-native textual content in emails, SMS, text messages and chat while maintaining the source language alongside the translation.

Create and share customized reports

With Cellebrite Reader, a complementary tool, each team member can navigate and tailor reports to their specific requirements.

World-class Training

Cellebrite offers a wide array of in-depth courses taught by leading forensics experts to help team members improve their skills whether they are new to the field or seasoned technical personnel.

  • CMFF

    Cellebrite Mobile Forensic Fundamentals (CMFF)Learn the general digital forensic process and how to identify mobile device hardware

  • CCO

    Cellebrite Certified Operator (CCO)Certifies participants to collect, analyze, and report on data in a forensically sound manner using UFED Touch, UFED Touch2 and UFED 4PC

  • CCPA

    Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA)Probe recovered data more deeply with advanced analysis and search techniques using Cellebrite Physical Analyzer

    Certified Evidence Repair Technician – Forensic (CERT-F)Repair damaged mobile devices to collect data and preserve evidence in a forensically sound manner

Download FREE Cellebrite UFED 2023 Ultimate Forensic Software Activated With Keygen FREE – IAASTeam 1st in the World FREE For All

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