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Oxygen Forensic® Detective v16.3 – Activate With IAASTeam 2024

Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.16 updates include new updates to analysis and analytic tools, KeyScout, Device Extractor, supported apps, expansion of cloud support, and more.

For a full list of updates, refer to the “What’s New” file in the Oxygen Forensic® Detective “Options” menu.

List of Supported Devices :

Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.16.3: Enhancing Mobile Forensics

Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.16.3 brings several significant enhancements to mobile forensics. Let’s explore the key features introduced in this update:

Malware Scan of Extracted Files

Detect and analyze potential malware within extracted data.

Enhance security by identifying malicious files.

Analysis of Custom-Built Drones

Investigate drones’ data, including flight logs, images, and videos.

Uncover valuable evidence related to drone activities.

Import of X (Twitter) Archives

Extract and analyze Twitter data.

Gain insights into user interactions, tweets, and trends.

Selective Facial Categorization

Automatically categorize faces in images.

Streamline identification and analysis of individuals.

Support for MT6750 and MT6855 Chipsets

Extend compatibility to MediaTek chipsets.

Access data from a broader range of devices.

ACCESS More Forensic Solution :[Expert Option] – [VIP Group Offer Provides it members will Forensic Softwares & Updates]

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